I agree, not sure if they are facing some problems that is preventing them to update the SAT list, but hopefully they will include IO-117 soon. 73 Ed PY2RN On Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 07:53:33 AM GMT-3, Calvin McDonald [email protected] wrote:
I'm getting a bit antsy waiting for the ARRL to update TQSL to support GreenCube(IO-117), I'm backed up over 100 QSO's now. Digging around a little tonight I see the satellite definitions are stored in TQSL's config.xml file. It would appear that adding a line in this file for IO-117 is all that would be needed to enable logging QSOs for this bird. My gut is telling me that doing so is over-simplifying what is needed to support IO-117, but thought I'd ask. Can a person just update the config.xml file? Why is the ARRL so slow at making this seeming simple update?
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