Mini-Circuits makes some SMT filters. The downside is that they're SMT with small solder pads. The other thing is, they are power limited to 0.5W.
https://www.minicircuits.com/WebStore/dashboard.html?model=RBP-140%2B https://www.minicircuits.com/WebStore/dashboard.html?model=RBP-440%2B
You can buy them individually from Mouser or Digikey, and I'm pretty sure you can order *free* samples of them from Mini-Circuits.
You can buy breakout PCBs for them from ebay, for example (the boards use SMA connectors): https://www.ebay.com/itm/401190029762?hash=item5d68ca09c2:g:SmQAAOSw4shX3IVv
The downside is that they're SMT with small solder pads. The other thing is, they are power limited to 0.5W. They offer other types of bandpass filter, but I haven't done an exhaustive search... I've used them for the receive end, they work as advertised.
Brad AC0ZJ
On 6/9/2021 10:03 AM, Herb Sims wrote:
I have looked all over the place for Bandpass filters for both 2m and 70cm antennas to put in front off my LNAs.
Any companies in the US that sells them?????
Please excuse any typo's as this was sent from my iPhone.
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