24 Jan
24 Jan
5:01 p.m.
Hello friends,
Today in the 161.057 orbit of the AO-7 approximately 22:51 UTC our friend Joe, K3SZH, managed to maintain a short QSO with Francisco Ramirez, PY2OV. The distance between the two stations was 7738 km (4833 Miles). And with absolute certainty the QSO could be extended by a greater good distance. I have the recording of QSO. Soon I'll add the link to the video / audio.
Pirajá, PS8RF _________________________________________________________________ Sabia que você tem 25Gb de armazenamento grátis na web? Conheça o Skydrive agora. http://www.windowslive.com.br/public/product.aspx/view/5?ocid=CRM-WindowsLiv...