I often set one of my FM radios on 145.825 when I am not actively doing much else just on the oft chance I might hear the ISS pass by.
Yesterday and today while I was close to the radio I notice some CW breaking the squelch on the radio and just now I fired up a SDR to see what I could hear (and see).
Definitely a satellite (lots of doppler) frequency about as high as 145.820 and faded out at LOS around 145.812 around 2020-05-08 1945 UTC I am located near Ottawa Canada.
CW around 15 wpm sending 10 characters like T1YBZGZDZZ. I didn't write down every group - too busy trying to track.
A quick look through satellite / frequency listings didn't provide a quick answer so I am wondering if someone might have an idea on what satellite this is.
cheers, Graham ve3gtc