Actually, I think AO-51 was launched at the end of June 2004. That makes it about 7.5 years...but who's counting ;)
We essentially got "a free, bonus overtime" from July 2010 until now. We thought it was about gone back then...check your logs and see just how many QSOs you made on AO-51 from the end of July 2010 until the end of November 2011 (and then check how many overall during the 7.5 year). I suspect the cumulative number of contacts would be staggering.
My thought is how much data I downloaded from that old bird!
Losing a bird you've had the privilege of commanding is like losing a best friend...
Looking forward to Fox-1(and siblings...) !!
Mark N8MH
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 3:37 PM, John Geiger [email protected] wrote:
Yes, thanks for all of the great work with AO51. I do have a question, though. Please don't think that I am being critical of AO51, the design team, or the command team, because I am not. That have all done a great job. What I am curious about is this: AO27 has been going for 18 years and is still doing fine. AO51 made it around 6 years. What is the main difference between the 2 satellites that might explain the 300% difference in operational life?
73s John AA5JG