Yes, I am very happy about the worldwide support and efforts. This is ham spirit!
The next step will be to bring COMPASS back into NORMAL mode. Only then we can request housekeeping data and maybe take a picture of the earth.
Thank you again to all. 73, MikeDK3WN ----- original Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [amsat-bb] COMPASS in powersafe mode Gesendet: Mo, 08. Sep 2008 Von: [email protected]
Congratulations Mike! Your efforts at rounding up the troops looks to have paid off....
Truly a worldwide ham radio effort!
Roger WA1KAT
-----Original Message----- From: Mike Rupprecht [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 2:11 pm Subject: [amsat-bb] COMPASS in powersafe mode
Hi all,COMPASS is back in powersafe mode :-). You should hear the beacon now every 3 minutes.08.09.2008 17:56UTC 40000000000000102949c01401---------------------------------------------------Solar Cell Voltage 1.25 VSolar Panel 6 Cur 0.00 mASolar Panel 2 Cur 0.00 mASolar Panel 3 Cur 0.00 mASolar Panel 4 Cur 0.00 mASolar Panel 5 Cur 0.00 mAEPS Reset Counter 0 Power Level Low Battery Capacity Heater Active Battery Heater OFF Power Safe Counter 41 Emergency Mode Counter 73 Battery Voltage 3.76 VBattery Current 125.49 mABattery Temperature 1 °CNow it’s very important to collect telemetry. If the voltage climbover 4volt we can change to NORMAL mode. ********************************************************PLEASE do NOT send any commands to COMPASS until further notice********************************************************If you send any commands you overwrite the current settings and COMPASS mayfall back into emergency mode.I will keep you informed about the next steps.For your information here are recent reports from today. Thank you very muchfor your efforts.23:55 UTC ..............201800B72903 heater off 3.59V (VE9QRP)[Aug 08, 2008]---01:40 UTC 29000000000000201800BB2902 heater off 3.67V (VE9QRP)02:06 UTC 29000000000000201800C129FF heater off 3.78V (JA6PL)03:12 UTC 29000000000000201800BB2903 heater off 3.67V (KD8CAO)09:26 UTC 51100180700000202901BB1807 heater off 3.67V (ZL2BX)10:54 UTC 29000000000000202902C11607 heater off 3.78V (ZL2BX)11:16 UTC 29000000000000202902C01605 heater off 3.76V (JA6PL,JA0CAW)11:45 UTC 74088224201100102902c300ff heater off 3.82V (M3RRX)12:53 UTC 90002900065900202907c20004 heater off 3.80V (JE9PEL,JA0CAW)13:30 UTC 53090030980500202916d200ff heater off 4.12V (W1ICW) :-)00DP0COM/ COMPASS 1/ 012345/ COMPASS/ 100DP0COM/ COMPASS 1/ 012345/ COMPASS /114:57 UTC 87076900003400202947c700ff heater off 3.90V (W1ICW)17:56 UTC 40000000000000102949c01401 heater off 3.76V (DK3WN) Any beacon reports are very appreciated.73, MikeDK3WN_______________________________________________Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author.Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bbLooking for spoilers and reviews on the new TV season? Get AOL's ultimate guide to fall TV.
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