Not to take anything away from Angus, and Yes this is indeed a great accomplishment, but hardly from new.
Myself have done this many times with a tad bit more power, 35 to 40 watts. And this was in the days of no fancy software's or anything like that just antenna, rig, a nd good headphones.
I worked 18 different stations off Oscar 0 (Moon) back in the late 80's My station was a Kenwood TS-700, 10 watts into a Mirage 40 watt amp that was tired and only put out 35 or so watts. feed line was 1/2" heliax that was about 100 feet long, no Pre-amp for receive, antennas were 8 element yagis, W1JR design (4 of them)
standard WIDE SSB filters on receive, and a set of headphones. That's it.
One thing that DID make a HUGE difference I think on my system, was i was able by the design of my array I was able to rotate polarity of the beams along their axis. Granted, the spacing was optimum when they were horizontal, but and were wrong in other polarities, but the gain it made making sure the polarity was right after faraday happens was incredible. every 5 minutes or so i'd have to change the polarity to optimize the signal.
18 different stations in a little over 2 weeks or so of operating, who knows how many I could have worked, but will never know due to going qrt off the moon because a Kenwood TS-700 doesn't really like 110 VAC being applied to the 12VDC input.
Trevor wrote:
The story in the UK Scarborough Evening News about Angus Young M0IKB achieving Moonbounce with just 25 watts is a good illustration of the huge advances Amateurs have made in Moonbounce techniques over recent years. Not long ago it would have taken over 400 watts to achieve it.
Why Angus is over the Moon - Scarborough Today (with picture of Angus)
Ham makes EME contact with just 25 watts
The call book entry for Angus Young M0IKB can be seen at
73 Trevor M5AKA
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