Hello Bob, Good Saturday from Bill - WD8ARZ the Geiger Counter HF Mobile dude .... hi hi
The topics / Links below might be some starting points to take in other directions for what your looking for Bob. These links are ham hf radio related, though there are hf aircraft versions as you know.
Though the MarsAle group I have been in for more than a decade has had selcodes assigned by Bonnie to be used on HF, it didnt catch on as far as I know. Plenty of software out there for this mode, such as multipsk.
Suspect this will at least generate some conversations.... hi hi
73 from Bill - WD8ARZ ============================= Selective Calling (SELCAL) and ALE http://hflink.com/articles/
HF Selcall Evolution File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint 1. The Evolution of Codan Selcall ......In the beginning God created 493.1 (Kyoto 1978) by means of CCIR. 2. Basic 4 Digit Selcall ......And 493.1 begat the Codan ...
hflink.com hflink.com/selcall/Selcall%20evolution.ppt
International Amateur Radio HF Selcall Channels All types of HF Digital Selective Calling CCIR 493 or ITU-M R.493 DSC http://hflink.com/selcall/channels/
HF Selcall This is an informational resource for HF Selcall. Selcall CCIR 493-4 is the primary focus of this resource, and the variations of it that have been developed for modern HF selective calling. References for ITU-R M.493-n (Marine GMDSS DSC) types of digital selective calling also are included. The long term objective of this resource is to provide information about the use of these types of HF Selcall in various radio communication services. Please refer to the original documents of the various standards and recommendations for more detail and updates. http://hflink.com/selcall/ =============================
On 1/10/2014 12:10 PM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
Has anyone had any experience with any success at DTMF working on HF for some rudimentary commands?
I know tuning is critical as well as inter-tone noise must be way down.
Just thought maybe someone has experimented with it.
Bob, WB4aPR