Back to my "new" [18"] dish... Being that it is an offset dish, is 1.2GHz possible with this dish?
Anyone tried this?
Yes. I tried it for our satellite labs for students and althogh I get about 14 dB or so measured gain with it at 2.4 GHz, at 1.2 GHz, it was nothing more than a big piece of metal giving no more gain than a flat reflector... maybe between 3 to 6 dB.
See the photo of its use at 2.4 GHz on the top of this page:
With the antenna for one of those $75 wireless camera receivers at the focal point, and the companion little wireless camera as a signal source a mile away with only its 1.5" whip antenna, we receive the picture perfectly with a margin of at least 16 dB. This means the picture would still be good out to maybe 6 miles...
It sure is an easy way to get into Amateur TV. Even though it does not even require a license..
But if there are wireless LANS around, then the picture gets lots of QRM..
Bob, Wb4APR