Due to an illness, I was off the air for most of the last week. However, last night I was able to get on and I was fortunate enough to work you on the RS-44 pass last night on CW. I don't think I've ever heard a CW pileup on the birds before, and there was certainly one at that point (it easy to spot on my waterfall display). I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get through, but like the parting of the Red Sea, all of a sudden, I had a clear frequency, and you came right back to me. Indeed, I was surprised that you were having trouble hearing yourself on the downlink because it was reasonably good copy.
I am sure that everyone appreciates all your efforts to make all these normally impossible grids available to us. Thanks so much for giving me a real thrill. I suspect I'll never get to work that grid again (CK86).
Safe travels.
73 de Bernie, KF0QS