Forgive my obtuseness, but why is the state of Arizona have the limitation. The others made sense, and I know that it is not the a primary reason for the government to be clear on the reason.
(Also being back in school has lowered my normal level of common sense.)
73's Les KD4SFD
Lee McLamb wrote:
97.313 (f) No station may transmit with a transmitter power exceeding 50 W PEP on the UHF 70 cm band from an area specified in footnote US7 to Sec. 2.106 of part 2, unless expressly authorized by the FCC after mutual agreement, on a case-by-case basis, between the District Director of the applicable field facility and the military area frequency coordinator at the applicable military base. An Earth station or telecommand station, however, may transmit on the 435-438 MHz segment with a maximum of 611 W effective radiated power (1 kW equivalent isotropically radiated power) without the authorization otherwise required. The transmitting antenna elevation angle between the lower half-power (-3 dB relative to the peak or antenna bore sight) point and the horizon must always be greater than 10 degrees.
2.106 Footnote US7 (a) Those portions of Texas and New Mexico bounded on the south by latitude 31°45' North, on the east by 104°00' West, on the north by latitude 34°30' North, and on the west by longitude 107°30' West;
The FCC has a nice map of the areas affected by the 50w limit at http://www.fcc.gov/oet/info/maps/us7/
73, Lee-KU4OS