I've had intermittent problems with connecting SatPC32 to my TS2000 via CAT. I finally determined I thought that the Keyspan 4-port USB-Serial hub was the problem. I've had problems with it in the past so this wasn't a surprise. I dug out another single Keyspan USB-serial converter, plugged it in, had to reset the Com port to something higher (17) and tested it first with Ham Radio Deluxe. Whalla it worked connecting at 57600 baud rate. But I try to connect to the radio using the same parameters in SatPC32 and no dice. It tells me that com 17 isn't available. What am I missing. I am using VSP and could it be that I need to set up a pair. The ultimate goal is to control both the TS2000 for uplink and my Flex5KA with downconverters with SatPC32. It worked just fine including the Keyspan hub with my FT847 but not with the Kenwood. What am I missing?
Rick W2JAZ