On Fri, Aug 02, 2019 at 11:57:33AM -0400, Michael via AMSAT-BB wrote:
Again, just one man's opinion but if we just continue to maintain the status quo as it stands now, I see a dim future for this organization. Sigh...
I certainly see some excellent changes afoot with the GOLF program, which AMSAT has backronym-ed into Greater Orbit Larger Footprint. Please do check out https://www.amsat.org/category/amsat-news/golf/ regularly for updates.
Building, testing, and launching a satellite is a complex process -- more complex than I would have originally suspected. The process takes time, and AMSAT is limited by ITAR as to what it can share. Want to make a change? Write your senators and representatives about the insane idea of considering amateur satellites as potential space weapons!
It is easy for a challenger to claim that they'll do something amazing that the incumbent board members haven't done. However, I'd put my money on actual progress, not talk. AMSAT has regularly launched LEO sats, with one single failure in recent history. Fox-1E will carry a linear transponder and is the next one to go up.[1]
Push the envelope! Get ready for 5GHz up / 10GHz down, experiment with digital modes over linear transponders using appropriate power, work on a portable setup for new hams, or publish an article. The future is yours to define!
--- Zach N0ZGO