28 Aug
28 Aug
4:47 p.m.
Hi de CO7WT
For those chasing new grids I will be working SO-50 and ISS x-repiter in my free time (Only FM no SSB rig here), working at home and under COVID-19 movement restrictions...
I have LoTW and will confirm that way, morning passes are no go, so I will be trying to work every pass from around 1200 (Havana time -4 UTC) until around midnight.
If you like to make a schedule drop me an email.
Working condition: 2m & 70cm Homebrew ground planes with +25 dB LNA for 70cm DR-130 for 2m (adjusted CTSS deviation) with 5-25 W and Wuowun KG-UB8E + HackRF One SDR on the downlink
Also a Homebrew dual band Moxon-yagui for portable use.
Cheers, CO7WT