I'm proud to announce that the Facebook and PayPal widget campaign has raised $1,000 over the last 48 hours! This is a great first step towards replenishing the funds used in the construction of ARISSat-1, and beginning the design and construction of AMSAT-FOX. Thank you to those who posted the fundraiser to their own pages, and to those who donated.
Did you know:
ARISSat-1 will broadcast live slow scan pictures from space? All that will be needed to receive these pictures is a 2 meter FM receiver and a soundcard equipped computer.
ARISSat-1 has a Mode U/V (B) linear transponder using SDR technology as a testbed for future transponder missions.
ARISSat-1 uses a new robust telemetry format including FEC to counteract signal losses during long fades.
ARISSat-1 is set to deploy early in 2011, just months away.
Our PayPal widget is now on the front page of amsat.org (thank you JoAnne!), where you can donate and download the widget for your own webpage or blog, and our Facebook application is available at http://bit.ly/c861N7 . With these two fundraising tools, it is as important to share and post the widgets on your own page as it is to actually donate. To succeed we must reach those amateurs and space enthusiasts not in the normal AMSAT circles. Please visit and share today, to help us fund these two projects. Thank you for all your support!
73, Drew KO4MA