I'm sure you know this, but for those who haven't seen it the Fox-1 web page has a lot of that detail. The details of the satellite as it is developed and the timeline are readily available. Fox-2 will take more specific form as Fox-1 progresses and we discover what we can do in a cubesat form factor.
73, Jerry N0JY
On 12/4/2011 2:29 AM, Bob- W7LRD wrote:
...Nothing works better than specific, concise and honest details be if from AMSAT-NA or our DL friends. I recently gave a satellite talk and could not give definitive anwers about even the future out a few years, other than my own hopes and dreams. The university "beep" boxes we have assisted with are kinda fun, why not hang on a small transponder from http://www.qsl.net/pe1rah/ . I'd like to see a specific goal oriented conversation in this direction, that in my opinion provides direction. With very specific goals we will have direction (money).