Hello hope Everyone is doing well Heatwave N/W Indiana almost 50 tomorrow and our first little local Ham fest of the yr
I have a Amateur Radio Op friend who is also a School teacher 1 through 8 , He has got authorization to get some who are interested in Amateur radio He has applied for a FCC School Club call I think this is a great idea to teach the Young generation to put down their cell phones and tablets and learn this form of Communications too . At 73 I have 23 Grand and 24 Great Grandkids only one is interested in ham radio a 12 yr old girl I have had a 8 Yrs. old show me how to fix and use my fancy Motorola Smart phone LOL
So the question is can someone please send Me a link that I can share with him on setting up a contact with the international Space Station Myself and a few others will be donating some equipment to him he is a new ham but wants to teach and share .. He was also on Communications in the Military
Thanks 73 Don KA9QJG
Ps The greatest thing I have hear from Him or anyone else it is now ok to be a Geek I got laughed at for My pocket protector LOL