Can someone from AMSAT or ARISS state how much has been raised in the campaign for the new ISS radio equipment? The Fundrazr campaign currently shows $33,580. I recall seeing a $2,500 donation made by members of the non-AMSAT Facebook satellite group that went through Open Research Institute. Adding the $110,000 from ARDC, it appears that just over $146,000 has been raised for the new radio gear from these 3 sources. And there could have been other donations made outside of the Fundrazr campaign - i.e., the money jar ARISS had at its Hamvention booth.
It would be nice to know if the $150,000 goal has been met, so that monetary concerns related to this project aren't delaying the delivery of the new equipment to the ISS. And meeting the goal doesn't mean fundraising efforts for ARISS stop, either.
Thanks, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK or http://twitter.com/WD9EWK
On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 3:30 AM Paul Stoetzer via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has awarded a very generous grant to ARISS for the Next Generation radio system. ARDC is the owner and manager of the Internet network known as the AMPRNet. In June of 2019, ARDC initiated a philanthropic endeavor to provide monetary grants to organizations, groups, projects, and scholarships which have significant potential to advance the state of the art of Amateur Radio, and digital communications in general.