Many people don't realize they're running these 802.11 links above the legal EIRP limits for point-to-point (different than point-to- multipoint) links.
It's not like the FCC is running over themselves to police it, but we hams supposedly have more knowledge of what we're doing, and probably can hold ourselves to a higher technical standard and stay within the law... even if they don't seem to care much these days. <- Aimed at people running WIreless ISP's, and a decent reference without having to dig through Part 15.
With the recent discussion here about 2.4 GHz "pollution" causing design changes to whole transponders on the AMSAT world-wide projects, it also seems a bit like we all want our Part 97 cake and then we want to eat the Part 15 cake too. (GRIN)
Joe's setup looks like it comes in under the wire for P-t-P, but Chris didn't say how much power he was going to put into his antenna setup, nor the feedline type (to calculate feedline loss, since power is measured at the input to the antenna for these EIRP limitations). And it's 1:30 AM... so I probably (more than a 90% chance!?) did the math wrong.
Do your own bad math, I'm perfectly bad at math without any outside assistance! (GRIN) ;-)
-- Nate Duehr, WY0X [email protected]