On 19 Jun 2008 at 11:04, Stefan Wagener wrote:
Hi folks,
In the past, the candidates running for the AMSAT Board of Directors positions have used this forum to provide the membership with some thoughts
and ideas about their intentions if elected. I would very much appreciate if that could happen again. Also, in light of the current discussion on LEO´s and HEO´s, it would be very helpful to see where the candidates are standing.
73, Stefan VE4NSA
As an "silent" observer of AMSAT since year 2000 i always ask myself how the every same candidates can have new and genuine thoughts and ideas when they are coming on the board election after election? Could be if they can tell us what where their goals and what they achieved in their past mandate some of us can make a bit of sense of this whole affair?
Here is some questions who can be interesting to see answered
What is the state of construction of eagle? What are the plans regarding the launch? Who will be the launcher? If money is missing somewhere how much is needed to have a launch? If resources are short here in North America Is AMSAT-DL is facing the same issues? If there is a world-wide shortage in funding is it not logical to try to regroup all the available funds to at least be able to achieved a launch before a new centennial membership class is implemented? If one university was looking for projects is AMSAT-NA is ready to send them a wish list? or do they prefer to remain in the HAM WORLD only business waiting for the charming Prince?
If those who wants to be elected on the board prefer to warmed up their chair instead of answering the above mentioned questions it will be a fair and valid reason to remain on the board but it will be nice having them confirming this know fact. In case where our assumptions where found not exactly representing the reality, this pre election period will be a good opportunity to bring correction to our bad reality evaluation.
This always said on a very positive tone.
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE