I'm in Tucson AZ tonight, in advance of tomorrow morning's hamfest. I will not have to hurry back to Phoenix after the hamfest, so I'm going to make a nice drive home after the hamfest - 300 miles/500km! I am planning to head toward grid DM53 in eastern Arizona. I am confident I will be out in that area for two AO-51 passes tomorrow evening (0055-0109 and 0236-0247 UTC), possibly parking on the line between grids DM52 and DM53. Since it will probably be a 2-hour non-stop drive from Tucson to reach DM53, and at least an hour to get to a place in DM52 where I can stop and operate, it is possible that the first AO-27 pass I have at 2030 UTC will be from DM42 (the same grid as the hamfest). I am not sure I can make it to DM53 for any of the AO-27 or SO-50 passes during the afternoon, but should be in DM52 for some of those passes.
Although I am traveling with my little laptop, I have already printed the pass predictions for the FM satellites and VO-52 for the day. I also have made notes to know where on my drive I will be in DM52 and then DM53, so I don't need to run a mapping program on the laptop or rely on a GPS map while driving.
For all of my Saturday activity - at the hamfest in Tucson, and on the road in the afternoon/evening - I will be happy to QSL these contacts. Just e-mail me directly with the pertinent details for our QSO(s), and I'll get a card out to you. If I haven't sent out my cards from other demonstrations and activity in the last few weeks, I can add any cards from tomorrow to the envelope heading your way.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - currently in Tucson, Arizona http://www.wd9ewk.net/