Thanks to all who provided feedback, this all came about when I found a bug in Log4OM and the Log4OM folks asked about how other Logging software handled it.
Here’s what I discovered.
DXKeeper did the best job, it allows up to 4 grids to be entered and tracks VUCC awards correctly
N3FJP with some tricks allows up 4 grids to be entered, but I believe it will not track VUCC awards correctly
HRD Logger allows 2 grids to be entered and does not track VUCC awards correctly
Log4OM allows 2 grids to be entered, does not track VUCC awards correctly and the grid field is overwritten with one grid after LoTW download (trying to get fixed)
What I mean does not track VUCC awards correctly is that in most cases the logging software VUCC tracking only uses the first grid in the list of 2 or 4 (ie. DM62,DM63,DM72,DM73) only gives you credit for DM62
Notes about LoTW
LoTW basically ignores the stations Grid from your log when it does QSO matching, the grid is only used for determining VUCC. LoTW doesn’t care what grid(s) you give for the station you contacted.
The download file from LoTW does include multiple grid information.
Still looking into eQSL
On January 8, 2015 10:38:18 AM CST, David W0DHB < > wrote:
I'm currently using Log4OM software and discovered that in the case where a multigrid QSO is logged (Station is on a grid boundary) the software has some issues.
- Seems to upload to LoTW ok, but downloads from LoTW only one grid is marked as confirmed.
- The internal award tracking only recognizes one Grid.
HRD Logger has similar issues.
Does anyone have logging software (N3JFP, DXKeeper, etc.) that handles multi-grid QSO's correctly , especially LoTW/eqsl upload download
Dave W0DHB
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