Both are nice rigs and are far more than "starter rigs". You have cheaper options if your only interest is satellites.
The TS-2000 has a birdie on the downlink frequency of AO-27 (currently inoperative) and SO-50 (one of the 2 currently working FM birds), which is a substantial negative for satellite work. But I assume you are more interested in the linear birds, as both the TS-200 and the 910H are overkill for the FM birds (a dual band HT would suffice for these).
The 910H performs a bit better on VHF/UHF than the TS-2000, it has higher power on 70cm (75w v. 50w), and it is less expensive by a couple of hundred bucks. By its very 160m-23m nature, the TS-2000 makes a few compromises that lessen its performance on individual bands, but it is a nice rig, as thousands of satisfied users will attest. It might have a higher resale value, because there's a much larger market for HF rigs, although there has been speculation about Kenwood's commitment (or lack thereof) to its ham radio product line. The TS-2000 would be a nice backup for your Pro 3 on HF.
Check the reviews on eHam, the TS-2000 has a slightly higher average rating (4.5 v. 4.1): 910H - http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/1274 TS2000 - http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/1249
Good luck and 73, Bill NZ5N
If you are near a ham store, twirl the dials on both and see which feels better. Don't think you will be disappointed with either one.
73, Bill NZ5N ************************ I'm just about to get started in working satellites and debating between two rig options: Kenwood TS2000X and the Icom 910H. I already have an HF rig (Icom 756Pro-3) so don't really need the HF features of the TS2000X but otherwise it seems very comparable to the 910H especially when you consider that all the options for the 910H are standard in the TS9000X. Price-wise, they both seem to be in the same ballpark (when you add most options to the 910H). If you were just getting starting out in satellites, which rig would you choose? Thanks, Gordon NW7D