10 Nov
10 Nov
2:19 p.m.
Hi Drew,
good to hear that AO-16 is partially alive again, it serves as an excellent off-air test signal for testing the telemetry decoding software for Delfi-C3, which will also transmit 1200bps AX.25 BPSK. At http://esther.esrac.ele.tue.nl/ao16/ you can find 24/7 automatically tracked passes of AO-16 (including .kss files) by the backup groundstation for the Delfi-C3 mission at Eindhoven University (PI4TUE) in JO21RK.
Wouter Jan PE4WJ
Wouter Jan Ubbels MSc
Delfi-C3 project manager electronics & communications
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands