Quoting William Leijenaar [email protected]:
I just read the message about the tube-sats. I was having a look to their options, but when I understand well in the structure there is already a radio integrated ?
Hi William,
You can get a tubesat both with or without electronics/radio. I think you can even use your own structure as long as it fits into the envelope specs.
What is the area that can be used for electronics ? The weight is max. 250 grams, which is no problem to handle one off my LE005-R2 linear transponders (weights only 30 grams). Check it on: www.leijenaarelectronics.nl
Max OD = 8.94 cm (3.52 in), ID= 8.56 cm (3.37 in), Length = 12.7 cm (5.0 in) So it is slightly smaller than a cubesat in one dimension, but longer in length. You can get the full specs on their website: http://www.interorbital.com/TubeSat_1.htm There is a PDF/word file
When there is enough space in the tube-sat to fit my transponder, this is very interresting. Just fill the existing space with Li-ion batts and there you go...
Anyone already have experience with these tube-sats ?
I do not have any practical experience with them, but I know they have been working on their launcher for many years. If I had 8000$ I would buy a tubesat. Of course, since their launcher does not have any track record, it should be considered as high risk. But who cares? I mean if you compare it to the price of a cubesat launch today, which is how much? 80000$?
73 Alex OZ9AEC