With field day coming around the corner, I took the time to work on my spare G5500 rotor setup. I knew from earlier this year, I had to put my spare azimuth rotor to replace the one that stopped working.
I took the Azimuth rotor apart and come to find out that it seems the nylon gear that is attached to the motor itself is slipping big time. I can manually move the other gears and they seem to be working fine.
I will take the rest of the rotor apart tomorrow, but I was wondering if anyone else has come across this problem??? Since I am unable to see without taking the rest of the rotor apart, anyone know how this gear is attached to the shaft of the motor?? Anyone have any ideas where I might get another gear if necessary??
I see why Yaesu will only sell the whole motor attachment know for 200.00 plus dollars.
73 de Angelo