The IC-910H can only do same-band satellite TX and RX if operating in "split" mode, not satellite mode, and it cannot accept a frequency change command while it is in transmit. You have to use VFO A and B on the main band.
I don't know how (if?) Simon has implemented it in HRD, but in SatPC32, there is a separate program (SatPC32ISS) that puts the 910 into split mode, and it requires that a handshaking line be provided to the serial interface to tell the PC when the radio is in TX, so that the program won't try to adjust the TX frequency while keyed.
George, KA3HSW
----- Original Message ----- From: "andy thomas" [email protected] To: "amsat" [email protected] Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 4:39 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] IC 910H same band problem
I must be doing something wrong here. I cannot switch the IC 910H to tx and rx in the same (2 metre ) band while doppler tracking using HRD.
Carlos showed me a tick box on his version of HRD that enabled single band working on his TS2000 but it's not present on my program and I've just downloaded the latest version. The only change I can see in the latest version is that the option to change bands between main and Sub for TX and Rx has been grey-ed out.
And I can't understand the help section that says I can set both bands to Main - because they are greyed out.
Any help gratefully received.
andy G0SFJ