I am running a terrestrial APRS iGate from my house using a Comet GP-15 tri-band vertical. RF is fed into an RTL-SDR, connected to my raspberry pi. I am currently using pymultimonaprs to make this all happen, and in Marco Kubon's tutorial (http://www.kubonweb.de/?tag=rtl-sdr) he says it's possible to catch the ISS APRS frames by changing the RTL section of the config file. Does anyone know if I can add in a 3rd frequency to capture FalconSat3 packets? Does this look reasonable?
proc_src = subprocess.Popen( ['rtl_fm', '-f', str(int(self.config['rtl']['freq'] * 1e6)), '-f', '145825000', '-f', '435103000', '-s', '22050', '-p%s' % str(self.config['rtl']['ppm']), '-g', str(self.config['rtl']['gain']), '-l', '10', '-E', 'offset' if self.config['rtl'].get('offset_tuning', False) else 'none', '-d', str(self.config['rtl'].get('device_index', 0)), '-'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open('/dev/null')