The AMSAT-BB is a mailing list to support technical discussions, inquiries, and suggestions related to amateur satellite service. Its audience includes both AMSAT members and non-members. At any given time, the readers may also include amateur radio operators, shortwave listeners, minors, potential financial donors, potential launch providers, officials from other amateur radio and satellite organizations, officials from international space agencies, and equipment suppliers and manufacturers. As such, the AMSAT-BB is not a "free speech" zone. There is prescribed acceptable and unacceptable content. Due to the continued abuse by some subscribers, I have placed the AMSAT-BB on Emergency Moderation. Moderators will review each post to ensure it complies with the Acceptable Use Policy. Those found not to be in compliance will be removed from the list. This will inevitably cause a delay in your messages being posted; however it is essential to ensure a safe and constructive environment. I apologize for the inconvenience. Respectfully, Robert Bankston, KE4AL Vice-President, User Services Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)