DTUSat-2 (object 40030) is operating at 2401.835 MHz sending a full or partial beacon every 30 seconds. Since the Doppler is 100 KHz over the entire pass, it's tricky copying it with a traditional receiver such as an FT-847 (Doppler correction has to be right on). It's best seen with a SDR. Since its batteries are dead, it signals cannot be heard in eclipse. Its in an almost perfect polar orbit and can be copied around noon daily everywhere on earth. It is listed in the AMSAT keps and pass predictions. Also see http://wakky.asablo.jp/blog/
Also, I've heard that the ISS sends out a very strong video carrier at 2395 MHz (my converter will not tune that low).
I asked a ham in Italy to check it out and he indicated it is always on.
I hope this helps.
Mike (K9QHO)