One good thing about the shutdown this morning is that the safety system worked like it was supposed to. It's better to have it happen this way than for a failure to occur after launch.
It's not the first time this sort of thing happened. I remember watching one attempt to launch STS-41D which ended seconds before liftoff:
Earlier than that was Gemini 6:
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
On 5/19/12, Dave - K7DAA wrote:
I am! Was watching it live on the NASA channel. Engine start...then abort to shutdown. I heard someone say something about an overpressure condition causing it, but didn't catch what or where. I'll presume it's in the propulsion system. I also heard them say that they'll try again in about 72 hours (Tuesday) with a launch around 3:30 AM EDT, but didn't get the exact time.
My wife was watching with me as I tried to explain. Her parting words were, "Sorry your rocket didn't work."
Yeah. Sorry.
Dave - K7DAA
On 5/19/2012 1:24 AM, Kevin Deane wrote:
Anyone up???
Kevin KF7MYK
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