AMSAT-EA will be trasmitting its special call AM1SAT via all active satellites from Septembre 10th to September 17th as part of the IV RadioHam Fair IberRadio 2018 activities. IberRadio is the biggest event for the ham community in SouthWest Europe and will open doors September 14th and 15th . Learn more about IberRadio at http://www.iberradio.es. AM1SAT callsign will be active from a minimum of 14 differents grids during that time to help satellite operators to collect as much EA locators as possible. As part of this activity and in order to promote the participation, AMSAT-EA is sponsoring the AM1SAT Special Award in two categories: SILVER and GOLD.
1.- This award can be requested and issued to any licensed amateur station and also SWLs
2.- Will be valid contacts all those done via AMSAT satellites from September 10th 2018 to September 17th 2018 in all transmission modes.
3.- There are two different requirements to get the awards, depending of the applicant location.
Applicant in a EU entity.
To get the award in its SILVER category, the applicant has to contact AM1SAT in 5 different grids (We consider “grid” as a 4-digits main locator. For example IN71, IM68, JN00, etc). To get the award in its GOLD category the applicant has to contact AM1SAT in 10 different grids.
Applicant in a NON EU entity..
To get the award in its SILVER category, the applicant has to contact AM1SAT in 2 different grids (We consider “grid” as a 4-digits main locator. For example IN71, IM68, JN00, etc). To get the award in its GOLD category the applicant has to contact AM1SAT in 4 different grids.
4.- There is no need of paper QSLs nor EQSLs to ask for the award. When the applicant gets the requirements, he has to send via email a log with the QSOs, listing his callsign, name, and QSO data (Date, GMT time, frecuencies, mode, received grid and used satellite). Also we need the applicant email to send the award. The awards will be send, latest in 2 months and only in PDF format, free of charge.
5.- Logs and any question about this activity must be send to [email protected] .
6.- Logs must be received by October 1st 2018. We will consider the AM1SAT operators logs as the valid ones to check and cross the QSOs. Disputes or open issues will be solved by AMSAT-EA committee.
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