29 Jan
29 Jan
2:11 p.m.
Howdy and thanks for the Twitter mention!
Here's the information about our beacon: Our callsign is WH2XGN, we will be beaconing state of health data once every 60 seconds. The broadcast frequency is 436.25 MHz at 9600 Baud. The radio hardware is a Kenwood TH-D72A ( http://www.kenwood.com/usa/com/amateur/th-d72a/spec.html). If anyone is interested in getting a packet breakdown like the one pictured or sending any data they receive from the satellite, contact Adelin Destain at adestain@tamu.edu
And detailed breakdown of our state of health packet is attached to this email!
Thanks for your help, Dexter Becklund AggieSat4 Ops Team Lead AggieSat Laboratory