Hi all,
I've become known as a "satellite operator" within my fellow hams from the island I come from (CU7). So I've been taking advantage of that and try to get them, and others, operating the sats.
I've been helping my brother to setup his interface between the PC and his TS2000, and providing some tips, conventions and best practices on how to operate. Despite he had operated them many years ago (including contacts with the ISS on voice) when he didn't had a PC to help him correct the Doppler, he had other ideas on how to do it. Gradually he's getting better at it, same as what happened to me these last few months. His call is CU7BC, and I've made 2 contacts with him on XW-2F and I know he already worked a CT1 station on his own on FO-29.
There are two other hams interested in sats on his grid, but one is not equipped yet, and the other only has FM. I must confess that I'm puzzled on how someone that is VHF/UHF equipped states that is not sat equipped. Getting into any linear bird using omnis is easy, and that's what I've been doing so far.
As a bonus, I'm also trying to get HM68 grid active, but the person in question is not equipped yet.
So keep you ears sharp for HM58!
73 de Pedro CU2ZG