Hi Rob,
There is another effect as well.
From the ~22:00utc pass I made an mp3 recording.
Looking at the signal variations there is also a period of around 36 seconds, which slowly increases to 50 seconds.
I used LHCP polarization and 2x6 elements DK7ZB, TS2000X, no pre-amp.
Have a look at this picture: http://home.vianetworks.nl/users/hamoen/pa3guo/dc3_29apr2008_pa3guo_rotation...
Henk, PA3GUO
Hi All,
Good DelfiC3 pass here on 2008-04-29 18:20~18:30UTC. Decoded 223 packets with the Rascal software. This time I used automatic doppler correction and tracked object D. I have the impression that DelfiC3 is earlier than object B. As experiment I tried to determine the spinrate of delfic3 and counted the dips in the signal level. Its 12 dips in 1 minute period so the spinrate at the moment must be 12 rpm or some related number (24,6,3.. rpm). See screenshot: http://www.pe1itr.com/satellite/delfic3_pe1itr_29apr2008.jpg
73 Rob PE1ITR http://www.pe1itr.com