We don't often have good "seeing" in San Diego, but we did tonite, and I have some questions...
ISS went over just as predicted, overhead at 26mar08 0308Z. Estimating the magnitude at -3.0...We had a little bit of haze, and it looked like a lighted cigar!
About a minute before, an object on the same course mag ~1.5, and about 2 min after ISS, another object, same course, mag ~1.0...
Can someone tell me what the other objects were? The shuttle?? A garbage dump??
I've not really been following ISS progress, again "seeing" in San Diego is a real variable....
Tonite was an exception...
Any help appreciated...
We have almost an identical pass for ISS on 28 mar Z.
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...