On Saturday 28 August 2010 00:24:10 Gary "Joe" Mayfield wrote:
Please don't take my message the wrong way. I love the journal, but
have had MANY delivery issues. I have yet to receive the May/June issue.
73, Joe kk0sd
Don't assume that AMSAT didn't send it to you 'till you've verified it with them and they think they had a problem.
I've had delivery issues on things too, and it is the fault of the Post Office. Your local PO can range from fantastic to wretched, and here in Ann Arbor MI, it seems like we're more towards the wrong end of the scale. One issue of QST had a completely mangled front cover, so bad that I called the PO here and complained. The response was... "Oh.". Lansing MI on the other hand, has such an efficient system that a letter mail to my home town of Ann Arbor *gets there faster* than the same thing mailed *in* Ann Arbor in most cases.
So when the ham mag you've been waiting for looks like a war refugee, or has been AWOL for 1 week+, think about the system that carries it to you. Note: This is not a rant against the USPO--I support it, but I think it needs help, and I don't think that money is the answer.
--STeve Andre' wb8wsf en82