KiwiSAT; we're building it for you!
Did you enjoy using the Phase-3 satellites?
Remember the UoSATs?
Are you using some of the current units?
Over the years AMSAT-ZL has contributed some $10,000 to these programs and are now quietly getting on with completing KiwiSAT for your enjoyment. ( See http://www.kiwisat.org )
We want this to be a truly radio amateur satellite and while we could get some extra sponsorship, which we will do for the launch, the satellite itself needs to be completed using amateur radio resources and amateur radio money. So far our investment is some US$15,000 cash and perhaps US$100,000 in time and effort. We have a further US$12,000 in the bank reserved towards the cost of the solar cells (US$30,000 est.).
We spend a lot of time looking for economy without engineering compromise thus this is a real cost effective satellite. We have abandoned purchasing ready made modules and opted for self design and construction. Yes, some areas we have had to use professional services, for instance our SMD handing ability is limited by our standard ham-shack tools and techniques. However we have made much of the test equipment ourselves - including the thermal vacuum chamber.
To finish the satellite to flight-ready status, (less solar cells) we need to raise some $10,000, which is about what we have given to other projects. So if you agree that its pay-back time, and you like what we are doing, perhaps you might like to contribute to this venture into space.
You can contribute large or small, direct or via PayPal, just visit our informative website at http://www.kiwisat.org, all help is greatly appreciated. Be assured your contribution will be thankfully received and faithfully applied.
Our grateful thanks to those who have already made a commitment to supporting this project.
KiwiSAT: A Microsat scheduled for launch into a LEO, will carry FM and Linear transponders with inputs on 70 cm & 23 cm - outputting on 2 metres. A unique feature will be the on-board Small Satellite Attitude Control scientific experiment. It will also carry a special environmental/global warming scientific unit.
What a great time to help and what a great Yuletide gift to a worthy cause.
Thanks for reading, and best wishes for really enjoyable amateur radio in 2008.
Terry, ZL3QL. President AMSAT-ZL.