I thought I would ask the list about their experience
withbulkhead coax feed-throughs. I'm running coax into my shack and thewalls are made of 2" x 6" construction. _
Hi Gary,
In my opinion they are a pain! I entertained the thought 35 years ago, and quickly discarded it!!
I use thin wall pvc large enough to accommodate the "N" fittings that I use on ALL my antennas.
I use a piece long enough to go thru the wall, angled a few degrees down to keep out drip water, and project an inch inside and about two inches outside...Now if I want to change the coax going thru a particular hole, I simply slide it out and insert the replacement...Takes minutes, no additional connectors, no additional loss other than a short drip loop, costs pennies...and I use them for other cables to the outside...
I now have20 holes in my wall to the outside, I can move gear around at will....I plug the holes here with a small piece of cloth to keep out the moisture and the bugs....15 holes or so always have a length of coax going thru it, sometimes more!! Yes, I have a farm (antenna)...
I know about where you live, and you may need a plug of insulation in the winter!!
73, Dave [email protected] Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...