Hi Nick,
You mentioned KiwiSat, my understanding is that they needed to raise $1 million to buy a launch into a 700 km orbit. I am not aware that they've raised it yet.
I'm aware of these satellites planning to launch this year:
A 2013 Yasny Dnepr Launch should have - FUNcube-1 435/145 MHz linear transponder - Delfi n3xT 435/145 MHz linear transponder - Triton-1 435/145 MHz single channel FM to DSB transponder - Triton-2 435/2408 MHz FM transponder + 435/145 MHz FM to DSB transponder - CPUT ZACube-1 435/145 MHz FM transponder
In 2nd quarter 2013 TURKSAT-3USAT with a 145/435 MHz linear transponder should be launched
Ukube-1 with 435/145 linear transponder should fly in June, 2013
FOX-1 with a 145/435 MHz singe channel FM transponder at end of the year, can anyone confirm if it's still year-end ?
The IARU satellite pages are also worth checking, see http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/
73 Trevor M5AKA