John Becker wrote:
running version 12.5
under setup > rotor setup - where is uni-trac hidden?
Wayne replies:
I don't use Uni-Trac so I'm not an authority on the subject. Uni-Trac is controlled by its own stand-alone program, using a DDE connection to continuously obtain the position data from SatPC32.
According to section "II" of the SatPC32 manual, you need to copy a file called RotorServer.sqf into the main SatPC32 directory. I presume that the DDE rotor function is always enabled when that program is in the main SatPC32 directory.
What I'm not sure about is WHICH of several RotorServer.sqf files is the correct one to use for DDE. Perhaps Erich Eichmann or a SatPC32/Uni-Trac user can clarify...
Wayne Estes W9AE Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik