All, I feel like I'm no closer to a working sat station than I was one month ago. I have two computers to run SatPC32 on. Both are DELL Windows 7 Home Premium, one a desktop, the other a laptop. I have a Keyspan 4-port USB to RS232 box with optical isolators from CommFront connected to G-5500 and ICOM 910H interfaces.
When I run SatPC32, I set up the COM ports and then enable R+ and C+. The computer then controls the xcvr and the rotors. After clicking on R and/or C a few times, or after clicking the transmit button on the ICOM, the computer crashes... Blue Screen, screen of death. IRQ_LESS_OR_EQUAL message. Both computers do the same thing. They crash after a short while.
I've tried connecting the computer to an isolated power source, not part of the power company a.c. feeding my shack. This would be the generator in my RV. Same problem. SatPC32 ran for quite a time, but eventually the computer crashed.
I have disconnected everything from the computer except for the USB going to the monitor, Keyspan box, mouse, and keyboard. Still same thing, computer crashes after awhile. The laptop crashes with only the Keyspan connected.
I need expert advice again. I run SatPC32 as administrator; what about compatibility modes? What about critical o/s or driver upgrades or service packs? What about adding ferrite toroid to all wires going into and coming out of the computer? What about a power source isolator, like a UPS with a full-time inverter to get good isolated sinusoidal a.c. power to the computer and everything connected directly to it (like the monitor)? The Keyspan is USB powered. The good UPS's get expensive.
Please reply on this BB (preferred) or to private email [email protected] or call 406-826-7373.
73, Larry W7IN