Hi all, I know that there are few Yaesu FT-847 owners out there, so these questions are for you. One of the microphones I have for the radio, the Yaesu MH-36, is literally having the coiled microphone cable's rubber jacket disintegrating. The replacement microphone coiled cable is no longer available from Yaesu. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so I would be interested in finding out what you did. I am pretty sure I can locate 7 conductor coiled microphone cable and I already have spare microphone plugs but I don't know anything about the 7 pin plug that is on the inside of the microphone housing. If push comes to shove, I could probably build up a cable if I knew who the female plug manufacturer and model number is or maybe use a small circuit board to develop an interface between the existing wiring and anything new. Any suggestions or help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance. 73,Charlie Sufana AJ9NOne of the ARISS mentors