I fail to see where your references prohibit such activity as long as hams are involved. Would a school ham radio club be prohibited ? I think the main issue is that these birds don't satisfy YOUR personal interest. Just as ragchewing and dx-ing don't satisfy the schools exerimental goals. So maybe helping them build a transponder would satisfy both. But then its not HEO so maybe just let the freqs die until funding is there for the appropriate use. By then thiae freqs will have long since been reallocated
Its beating a dead horse. That want HEO dx-ing and ragchewing are free to build one. You don't need AMSAT anywhere do do that. Channel your energy into such a constructive project. I seriously doubt the complaining will get anything done.
John, AG9D On Sep 24, 2012 1:03 PM, "Gus 8P6SM" [email protected] wrote:
On 09/24/2012 01:32 PM, John Spasojevich wrote:
If I could launch a cube sat for my experimental interests it would use ham bands and may only send back tlm. So am I prohibited from that?
I, for one, would oppose the launch of, and object to your Cube Sat's use of amateur frequencies, if it used those frequencies for non-ham purposes.
Perhaps you should read ITU Radio Regulations – Article 1, specifically parts 55 thru 57:
1.55 Space research service A radiocommunication service in which spacecraft or other objects in space are used for scientific or technological research purposes.
1.56 Amateur service A radiocommunication service for the purpose of self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations carried out by amateurs, that is, by duly authorized persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.
1.57 Amateur-satellite service A radiocommunication service using space stations on earth satellites for the same purposes as those of the amateur service.
We need to be VERY careful to maintain a DISTINCTION between 1.55 and 1.57. Otherwise, all those who currently operate under 1.55 can simply start freely using our frequencies and claim to be operating under 1.57 without let or hindrance. To say that whatever you do, if you simply claim it is "self-training" or "technical investigation" you get free use of the ham bands is to open a particularly nasty can of worms.
-- 73, de Gus 8P6SM The Easternmost Isle