On 12/10/06, John Magliacane [email protected] wrote:
Gorgeous view of Discovery climbing out tonight from across the state. It gave me a good feeling, especially knowing there are ham radio satellites onboard!
73, Drew KO4MA
I have to pile on here. I also saw it from here in southern Maryland. It appeared about 7 minutes after launch and was higher on the horizon than I expected. A rough guess would be about a "fist and a half" high. I watched it for about 2 minutes before it disappeared behind a thick line of trees. It was bright orange and moving at roughly the same speed as the ISS when it goes over. I have seen the ISS fly overhead many times, but this was my first time spotting a shuttle launch. Very cool stuff!!!
-- A.J. Farmer, AJ3U http://www.aj3u.com