Well that's interesting.
I've used a USB Signalink with an Icom IC-9100 and hs-soundmodem to successfully decode 9600 from Falconsat-3. To my knowledge, the Signalink has not been modified.
73, Rick VK6RK
On 12/10/2017 05:55, christy hunter wrote:
based on discussion with a technician at Tigertronics, the USB signalink will not allow 9600 baud packet due to the frequency response is too narrow. He said none of the commercial external soundcards will work with 9600 bd packet. The only option is to construct a circuit, or use a 9600 baud TNC. (not too many options on that front.)
the Tigertronics website is a bit miss-leading because it ref. 9600 baud on its wiring diagram. Mine is setup for the 6pin miniDin connector(the pin 4 - for 9600 bd on my radio dataport- is not connected) for my FT 847. At this time I can only decode by connecting the 9600 pin on my radio (dataport) to a line-in to my Laptop soundcard (and not using a isolation circuit).
It would be nice to hear of any solution to this, without buying a $400 TNC (kantronics 9612).
there are several websites that talk to this issue, here is one of them
73 Christy KB6LTY