Hi my friends,
The SWAYAM 437.025 CW beacon was received here in western Europe this morning, begining after 0950 UTC, orbit number 20: five characters strings received, each string, lasting maybe ten seconds, including twelve Morse characters, the strings being spaced from each other by about one minute and a half: SWAYAMSNBNNN SWAYAMSNVNNN SWAYAMSNMNNN SWAYAMSNUNNN SWAYAMSNSNNN (only the ninth lettre changes, the one before the three last NNN)
Here is a short sample of the record: http://f5yg.pagesperso-orange.fr/incoming/SWAYAM_orb20_23jun2016.mp3 I removed the large intervals between each CW beacon strings to shorten the file. I apologize for the lack of Dopper shift correction as the frequency and tle need now to be adjusted more precisely. :-)
Best 73 !
Jean-Pierre F5YG