No ballot yet. Did receive the mag, so the database has the correct
Don't want to miss my opportunity to exercise governance. Wonder why this happened.
Is your membership lapsed? That's what happened to me last year, forgot to send in the renewal.
Elections can be nullified by irregularities.
Issuing duplicate ballots to everyone who claims to have not received their first ballot is another good way to cause irregularities in the vote. The ballot comes as an enclosure inside a first class letter with candidate biographies and registration material for the symposium, it is not sent to you as a postcard. I have rarely if ever had a first class letter go missing, whatever you think of our government postal system, they do deliver the mail 99.99% of the time. (And the private UPS company lost one of our boxes of symposium proceedings last year, which is why some of you did not get your proceedings book in a timely manner on board the ship.)
Call Martha and see if your membership is current.....
73, Dan N8fGV