I had a problem recently with my Rover Grids getting botched-up in LoTW when I uploaded Q's from the ARRL VHF Contest. Somehow, my Logging Program re-sent recent SAT Rover Q's to LoTW as being on 40M!!! LoTW re-wrote the original Q's also as being from my home Grid EN91 and folks needing my Rover Grids lost them.
After some good advice from Bruce KK5DO and many hours of editing the original files and reloading them to LoTW, they appear to be corrected.
If you see that there are still some that escaped correction, let me know in an e-mail and I'll check them out.
BTW, it appeared that my Canadian Rover Grids did not get botched, only US.
Thanks for your patience & 73, Bob K8BL
P.S. 92 Rover Grids & counting. Thinking about FN12/22 in mid-July.