Five satellites which operate amateur band launch at 0408z 29th Oct by H-IIA F40. The satellites are Ten-Koh, PROITERES-2, DIWATA-2B, Stars-AO and AUTcube2. They will separate around Antarctica and toward South America.
Ten-Koh's web site shows its initial TLE as following. This will help for chasing the satellites. http://kit-okuyama-lab.com/%e3%81%a6%e3%82%93%e3%81%93%e3%81%86/ten-koh-orbi...
TENKOH STK sim 1 99999U 18302.19537037 .00000103 00000-0 98916-5 0 00009 2 99999 097.7878 44.6815 0022959 006.5055 234.0628 14.92980398000011
Ten-Koh http://kit-okuyama-lab.com/%e3%81%a6%e3%82%93%e3%81%93%e3%81%86/ten-koh-orbi... (in Japanese)
http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=579 downlink 437.390MHz AFSK 1200bps, BPSK 9600bps, CW 437.510MHz WSJT uplink 435.280MHz
PROITERES-2 http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=566 downlink 145.850MHz AFSK, CW uplink 435.650MHz
DIWATA-2B http://phl-microsat.upd.edu.ph/diwata2
http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=593 downlink 145.900MHz FM Repeater, CW tlm, APRS, AFSK uplink 437.500MHz FM Repeater
Stars-AO http://stars.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp/starsao.html https://stars-ao.info/ (in Japanese)
http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=558 downlink 437.350MHz CW, 437.400MHz AFSK, 437.200MHz HighSpeed degital
AUTcube 2 http://www1.aut.ac.jp/~nishio-lab/AUTcube2/index_AUTcube2_E.html
http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=575 downlink 437.385MHz AFSK 1200bps FSK 9600bps, 437.505MHz WSJT
Launch live broadcast by JAXA and MHI on YouTube from 0330z 29th Oct https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAyL0VCf_L4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42lrAkmBNvg
JAXA Special Website: Earth Observation Satellites http://fanfun.jaxa.jp/eos/en/index.html
MHI Launch Services Twitter https://twitter.com/MHI_LS
H-IIA F40 Launch Procedure
event T altitude HH:MM:SS km -------------------------------------------------------- 1 liftoff 00:00:00 0 2 solid rocket booster burnout 00:01:48 42 3 solid rocket booster separation 00:02:06 54 4 upper fairing separtion 00:04:20 131 5 1st stage main engine cuttoff 00:06:38 271 6 1st/2nd stage separation 00:06:46 283 7 2nd stage engine ignition 00:06:55 297 8 2nd stage engine cuttoff 00:15:26 613 9 Ibuki-2(GOSAT-2) separation 00:16:16 613 10 lower fairing (adapter) jettison 00:19:51 613 11 lower fairing (cylinder) jettison 00:19:56 613 12 KhalifaSat separation 00:24:21 616 13 Ten-Koh separation 00:33:20 623 14 PROITERES-2 separation 00:38:20 624 15 DIWATA-2B separation 00:43:20 621 16 Stars-AO separation 00:48:20 614 17 AUTcube2 separation 00:51:00 610
Source: Rocket Launch Plan by JAXA and MHI Aug 2018
Masa JN1GKZ Tokyo Japan